07 5539 6144

Sleep Your Baby Safely

Sleep Your Baby Safely

We’d thought you’d be interested in the latest evidence-based advice from Red Nose on how to sleep your baby safely. Annually, 3,200 Australian families experience the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child. This has to stop. Through world-class research,...
Refer a Friend and Earn $100!

Refer a Friend and Earn $100!

If you love the care and education we offer help us spread the word about our wonderful centres and each time someone you refer makes a booking you’ll earn yourself a $100 Gift Card from Coles Myer or Woolworths WISH. PLUS your friend will receive two weeks FREE!!! ...
Bush Kindy Giggles Video

Bush Kindy Giggles Video

Bush Kindy Explorers is our very own nature play program and it’s included in our fees at each centre. It’s worth visiting the Bush Kindy Explorers Facebook page to to see the children engaging in explorational outdoor activities. Their smiles, giggles and...
Dress as a Pirate Day

Dress as a Pirate Day

What an effort parents and children put into their costumes for our ‘Dress as a Pirate Day’ at Benowa.  They looked amazing! This morning doing the role we spoke like pirates. In order to sail on the boat we had to complete a writing task. The Captain was...