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C. Samosa Milne

In today’s digital age, technology is an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and gaming consoles, children are growing up in a world where screens are ever-present. While technology offers numerous benefits, such as educational resources and opportunities for social connection, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of limiting screen time for children. Striking a balance between technology use and other activities is essential for their overall development and well-being.

The Impact of Excessive Screen Time

  1. Physical Health: Prolonged screen time can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with various health issues such as obesity, poor posture, and eye strain. Encouraging physical activities like outdoor play, sports, and exercise helps children develop strong muscles and coordination while reducing the risk of health problems.
  2. Mental Health: Excessive use of technology can affect a child’s mental health. Studies have shown that high screen time is linked to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Digital detox periods can promote better mental health and allow children to engage in mindful, stress-relieving activities.
  3. Cognitive Development: While educational apps and programs can be beneficial, too much screen time can hinder a child’s cognitive development. Interactive and hands-on activities, such as puzzles, reading books, and creative play, stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills more effectively than passive screen use.
  4. Social Skills: Face-to-face interactions are crucial for developing social skills and emotional intelligence. Children who spend excessive time on screens may miss out on valuable opportunities to engage in real-life conversations, teamwork, and empathy-building experiences.

Strategies for Limiting Technology Use

  1. Set Clear Boundaries: Establish rules regarding when and how long children can use technology. For example, no screen time during meals or an hour before bedtime. Use tools and apps that monitor and limit screen time to help enforce these boundaries.
  2. Create Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas in your home as tech-free zones, such as the dining room and bedrooms. This encourages family members to engage in conversations and activities without the distraction of screens.
  3. Encourage Alternative Activities: Provide a variety of non-digital activities to capture your child’s interest. Arts and crafts, board games, reading, and outdoor adventures can be just as entertaining and more beneficial than screen-based activities.
  4. Lead by Example: Children often mimic the behavior of adults. By demonstrating a balanced approach to technology use and prioritizing offline activities, parents can set a positive example for their children.
  5. Engage in Shared Screen Time: When children do use technology, make it a shared activity. Watching a movie together, playing a video game as a family, or exploring educational content can transform screen time into a bonding experience.


While technology is an unavoidable part of modern life, it is essential to manage its use carefully, especially for children. By setting boundaries, encouraging alternative activities, and leading by example, parents can help their children develop healthy habits and ensure a well-rounded upbringing. Balancing screen time with real-world interactions and activities will ultimately contribute to their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

As we navigate the digital landscape, let’s strive to create an environment where technology enhances, rather than detracts from, the growth and happiness of our children.